

National Network

Bld Bischoffsheim 39
1000 Brussels

+32 2 831 83 83
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The European Institute for Strategic Analysis and Policy Initiative (EIPISA) is a non-profit think tank specialising in precise, transparent information to understand the political, economic and social reality between Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. We bring respected people, from all over the world, who have dedicated their professional life to analysis and understanding of these issues. We will contribute to creating a space of cooperation and common interests in all areas of activity that influence relations between European countries and the Middle East and North Africa.  
Mission and Objectives

EIPISA’s main mission is to provide analysis and discussion forums that are useful and relevant to the formulation of EU policy. As part of this mission we also act as an interface between European experts and decision-makers at all levels. EIPISA is a platform of experts, intellectuals and people who have a great knowledge of the reality in Europe and the Middle East, to provide clear, objective, transparent and easily accessible information to understand the political, economic, social and humanitarian situation in the Middle East and North Africa.
We present evidence-based precise and unbiased resource. We support the work and cooperation of all institutions who work with to and / or have a significant interest in issues relating to the Middle East to find permanent solutions. The activities of the EIPISA team are intended to improve the EU's analytical capacity and to facilitate the shaping of common approaches.

Main Projects / Activities

By offering seminars, conferences, exhibitions and publications, we strive to build the bridges of understanding and mutual knowledge that will enable a fruitful cooperation for both the European Union and for the Mediterranean countries and the Middle East. We believe in our mission and we are dedicated to making it possible.
In the months that follow, we will strive to find solutions to the greatest challenges facing Europe and the Middle East: terrorism and radicalisation, how to bring ends the conflicts and facilitate democracy with the Arab Spring. We want to assist the countries of the European Union and the Middle East to develop their relations and how to ensure human rights and democracy is respected everywhere.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EIPISA accounts a great infraestructure where experts, intellectuals, and political and economic personalities who have experience with the geostrategic challenge that define the political, economic and social structure in an increasingly globalised world. Our network has roots in different Middle Eastern countries such as Syria or Turkey, that could contribute to the goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation. As our office in Brussels pretends to develop most of its activities in Belgium we could cooperate in many activities helping each other to accomplish our common objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation is one of the most relevant European networks. Our field of activity is both in Europe and Middle East, and the more we can share and cooperate with other organisations sharing our perspective, and common interests, the better for everybody. We think we can benefit from the participation in this network and contribute to bring people together from both sides of the Mediterranean Sea.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Jiménez
Job Title
Researcher & EU relations
Head of the organisation
Bassam al Abdulla
Contact (2) Full Name
José Miguel Llorens Izquierdo
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

ELLA (Expertise Centre for Gender and Ethnicity)

National Network

Middaglijnstraat 10
1210 Brussels

0032 2 209 34 67
0032 2 209 34 65
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

ella is an expertise centre, an non-profit organization in Brussels committed to the empowerment and and emancipation of ethnic minority women in Belgium (Flanders and Brussels). We develop publications, brochures, educational tools and packages for youth, women and professionals on themes such as identity, inequality, relationships, role patterns, marriage migration, mixed relationships, gender-related violence, etc. We organize debates, conferences, etc. and publish visual media, booklets, articles and opinion pieces on issues related to gender and ethnicity. We have the equivalent of 6 FTE at the moment. We receive subsidies on a yearly basis from the Ministry of Equal Opportunities and of Youth and other subsidies are project based, from the Ministry of Citizenization and another project financed by the Centre for Racial Equality.

Mission and Objectives

Ella stands at the intersection of issues related to gender and ethnicity. Ella aims to introduce an intersectional perspective into various fields of civil society, including the women’s movement, minority movements, education, social and welfare fields. Ella refers to the maiden name of Sojourner Truth, the very first black feminist. Ella aims to question constructions of gender and ethnicity. Ella aims to deconstruct the gap between women and men. Ella rejects the construction of femininity as the mirror image of masculinity and of ‘ethnic minority’ as the mirror image of the ‘white majority’. You only become an ethnic minority person through the denigrating gaze of the other and only become a woman through the eyes of the man. Ella questions these exclusionary identity constructions . ella demands for more space for self-determination and diversity. Ella aims to break through thinking in terms of black and white and ‘us versus them’ . ella stands for anti-racist feminism and anti-sexist emancipation of ethnic minorities. Ella stands for equal rights between men and women and between minority and majority persons.

Main Projects / Activities

current projects include developing educational material and educational for youth and adults and professionals on: mixed relations; sexual identity; pre-marital relations; marriage migration; self-defense for ethnic minority women... We offer our expertise when questioned by policy, journalists and professionals, students, etc. We organize and participate in panels, conferences, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ELLA is well-known, sought and unique expertise centre in Belgium working on issues related to both gender and ethnicity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are starting to work on international co-operations; our 3 year project on marriage migration includes developing a website, educational package, brochure, etc towards empowering marriage migrants to Belgium from Morocco and Turkey. We are setting up co-operations with women's organizations in Morocco and Turkey and would like to expand this collaboration in view of exchanging expertise and offering train the trainer sessions a range of issues. National funding for transnational exchange is difficult and that is why we are looking for organizations for support for this kind of transnational exchange and projects. This foundation seems perfect for the support of our mission and aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sarah Scheepers
Head of the organisation
Sarah Scheepers


National Network

Rue des Comédiens 16-22
1000 Bruxelles

02 217 97 51
Telephone (other)
0497 57 82 70
02 217 97 48
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0497 57 82 70
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L’ENTP est un réseau de 26 villes et 5 partenaires en Europe. C’est une organisation sans but lucratif, qui développe des projets et des échanges autour de trois thèmes principaux : culture et cohésion sociale, égalité entre les genres et environnement. Le budget annuel de l’ENTP est de 360 000 Euros. La délégation à Bruxelles emploie 6 personnes, mais l’ENTP est aussi un réseau d’experts dans 26 villes, des associations, centres de recherches et partenariat. Pour son fonctionnement, le conseil d’administration de l’ENTP regroupe des élus de 7 municipalités parmi nos membres. Un comité de gestion, et des comités d’échanges thématiques, permettent de structurer notre réseau. Notre budget est composé des cotisations de nos membres, de la rémunération de prestations pour nos membres (rapports, études et formations), et de projets européens.
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs de notre organisation sont de stimuler les échanges entre villes de pays différents, et de mettre en place des projets de coopération transnationaux. Nous avons trois priorités : culture et cohésion sociale, questions urbaines et environnement. Au sein de ses priorités, nous développons des projets culturels, d’égalité des genres et de promotion des femmes dans la société civile.

Main Projects / Activities

Dans le domaine de la culture, nous avons développé de nombreuses actions : publication d’un livre d’artistes, actions de promotion des artistes et de la culture, séminaires d’information sur les liens entre culture et développement…Enfin, nous sommes en train d’organiser un festival culturel nomade en Europe pour 2008.
Concernant la promotion des femmes, nous développons des projets de soutien des femmes dans la société civile, et notamment des femmes immigrées
, ainsi que des projets de promotion du rôle des pères dans la conciliation entre vie privée et vie professionnelles (

Contact (1) Full Name
Pascaline GABORIT
Head of the organisation
Arie Willem BIJL
Contact (2) Full Name

Episode 2: The Role of Artists in Iran Today

Our second podcast episode features a conversation between three Iranian artists academics and activists. Sepehr Atefi and Kaveh Azarhoosh are both Close Up filmmakers and activists who participated in our program in 2021-2022 with their project Radio Berlin. In this...

Espace Magh

National Network

17 rue du Poinçon
1000 Bruxelles

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Centre culturel avec une équipe composée de 10 personnes. Contrat programme avec la Communauté française de 550.000€/an - 100.000€/an de la Ville de Bruxelles. Les financements nous viennent des pouvoirs publics belges. En tant que Centre culturel nous sommes amenés à travailler sur des projets concrets dans l'espace euro-méditerranéen touchant à l'artistique pur mais aussi à l'action culturelle (projet "Les chemins de la Mémoire" partenariat entre Maroc, France, Espagne et Espace Magh). Nos partenaires principaux : associations de terrain, artistes, écoles, centres culturels,
Mission and Objectives

• créer un espace de dialogue et d’échange, de formation et d’information, de libre pensée et d’expression citoyenne,
• œuvrer à la mise en place d’un centre communautaire maghrébin progressiste, humaniste et pluraliste, ayant pour objectif de contribuer au rayonnement des expressions culturelles, artistiques, intellectuelles et littéraires belgo-maghrébines,
• inscrire notre action dans une dynamique d’éducation permanente et de citoyenneté visant à l’éveil d’une conscience critique au sein de la communauté maghrébine,
• créer un forum ouvert à l’ensemble des acteurs sociaux aux prises avec les problématiques vécues par la population belgo-maghrébine dans l’espace public comme privé,
• œuvrer à l’amélioration de l’image des cultures du Maghreb en Belgique, en s’inscrivant dans une tradition laïque ouverte au dialogue, totalement indépendante, d’inspiration à la fois orientale et occidentale,
• viser à la reconnaissance des identités multiples des personnes issues des migrations maghrébines, qu’elles soient musulmanes ou non, berbères ou non, arabophones ou non, etc. L’association veille à développer un travail pédagogique, notamment auprès des médias, pour faire connaître cette diversité interne et combattre les représentations de cette communauté reposant sur des généralisations abusives,
• valoriser la créativité des citoyens d’origine maghrébine, tout en assurant la promotion du patrimoine culturel et linguistique maghrébin,
• œuvrer pour une plus grande solidarité avec les combats démocratiques des sociétés civiles du Maghreb et, en particulier, les combats ayant trait au respect des droits de l’homme, des libertés publiques, à la justice sociale et au développement durable et équitable, tout en étant indépendant d’un Etat, d’institutions ou de mouvements politiques, syndicaux ou sociaux, qu’ils soient nationaux ou étrangers,

Main Projects / Activities

L’Espace Magh propose des disciplines et des activités diverses qui interrogeront à la fois le sens et les formes dans un lieu pluridisciplinaire et contemporain :
- du Théâtre,
- du Cinéma,
- des Musiques,
- des Arts visuels,
- de la Danse,
- des Rencontres littéraires,
- des Conférences et des débats,
- des Lectures-spectacles,
- un Café-Théâtre,
- des Master-Classes,
- un Studio d’Artistes,
- des Rencontres festives
Autour de ce projet ambitieux et pour servir le public, L’Espace Magh veut mettre en place un réseau constitué :
- d’artistes associés : des artistes liés à la maison par une résidence, une création, une production ou un accompagnement de nos publics dans le cadre d’ateliers.
- des institutions associées : accueils des publics et soutiens logistiques
- d’écoles associées : accompagnement sur le long terme en matière de spectacles et de formations diverses proposées
- d’enseignants associés
- de spectateurs associés

Contact (1) Full Name
GHALLALE, Najib (directeur)
Head of the organisation
LAAOUEJ, Ahmed (président)/ GHALLALE, Najib (directeur)
Contact (2) Full Name
HIRCHI, Rachid, Cooordinateur de la Programmation

EUNIC Global

National Network

Rue de Belvédère 271050 Bruxelles
1000 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

EUNIC is the network of the international cultural relations institutes from the member states of the European Union. Formed in 2006, it has 27 members from 23 countries. EUNIC’s members work in over 150 countries with over 2,000 branches. They work in the arts, languages, youth, education, science, intercultural dialogue and development sectors. The members’ employ over 25,000 staff.

Mission and Objectives

EUNIC seeks to facilitate cultural co-operation; to create lasting partnerships between professionals, to encourage greater understanding and awareness of the diverse European cultures and to encourage greater language learning (over 2 million people learn European languages with EUNIC members).

Main Projects / Activities

An active network: encouraging members to implement shared projects A learning network: sharing ideas and practices between members A partnering network: working with partners including the European Commission, the Council of Europe and partners around the world, An advocacy network: raising the awareness and effectiveness of building cultural relationships between people worldwide

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EUNIC specific aims for the MENA region are: - Set foundations of a national and Euro-Mediterranean sustainable cultural policy - Support and develop the potential of the creative sector; to respond to the expectations of wider audiences and stakeholders - Foster cultural exchange on all levels (cultural players, institutions, intellectuals, artists) within the MENA region and the Euro Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EUNIC has the extended operations in the MENA region concentrating on projects within areas of cultural policy debates and cultural development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Helena Kovarikova
Head of the organisation
Delphine Borione
Contact (2) Full Name
Kamila Gawronska

EUNIC is looking for a Mobility Scheme host


Do you support peer-to-peer learning? Then why not host a platform! The Mobility Scheme enables colleagues working in a EUNIC member organization to exchange knowledge and gain new skills on key topics of shared strategic relevance.

It is the opportunity to directly learn from a different EUNIC member organization and foster future partnerships, with contemporary international cultural relations as a main objective. If you are a EUNIC member and would like to host a group of cultural professionals during 2 days, apply until the 22nd of April.

You can find the application form and more information here

EuroArab Forum asbl

National Network

Rue de Savoie, 50
1000 Brussels

0032 485 970 737
Telephone (other)
0032 499 629509
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The EuroArab Forum (EAF)is registered as an asbl in Belgium. Its board consists of 6 people while its core team comprises 10 people who organize on a volunteering basis the activities of the EAF. The EAF is financially self-sustaining through its membership fees. For specific projects EAF seeks cooperation and funding with other organisations.

Mission and Objectives

The vision is to establish a regular and sustained exchange forum in Brussels on relations between Europe and the Arab World. The “EuroArab Forum” will follow a multi-disciplinary approach that includes political, cultural, religious, sociological, psychological, economical and other perspectives of analysis.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Monthly debate about topics relevant to EuroArab relations. The EuroArab Forum Series is organised by the core team members. The EuroArab Forum provides an open, off-the-record discussion forum which features guest speakers on a variety of topics. 2. Participating as speakers and participants in conferences in EAF's field of relevance. 3. Be contact and information point in Brussels for people interested in EuroArab relations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olaf Deussen
Head of the organisation
Olaf Deussen
Contact (2) Full Name
Johan Vrintis

Euromed Audiovisual Productions (EAP)

National Network

140 Avenue le Marinel
1040 Bruxelles


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Euromed Audiovisual Productions, EAP,, est une association sans but lucratif euro-méditerranéenne dont le siège se trouve à Bruxelles. Elle regroupe des journalistes, reporters, présentateurs, interprètes, traducteurs, cameramen, ingénieurs de son, ainsi que d’autres opérateurs audiovisuels. La mission principale de EAP est de mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires pour mobiliser les soutiens logistiques et financiers afin de permettre la réalisation du projet de création d’une chaîne de télévision, dénommée NISSA TV, qui sera entièrement dédiée aux femmes du bassin méditerranéen. Sources/ Commission Européenne, Copeam, Qatar Foundation, UNESCO, ... La mission principale de EAP est de mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires pour mobiliser les soutiens logistiques et financiers afin de permettre la réalisation du projet de création d’une chaîne de télévision, dénommée NISSA TV, qui sera entièrement dédiée aux femmes du bassin méditerranéen Sources/ Commission Européenne, Copeam, Qatar Foundation, UNESCO, ... Projet: lancement de NISSA TV
Mission and Objectives

En tant que seule, unique et officielle structure en charge de la réalisation du projet NISSA TV, EAP a pour mission principale de s’assurer que tous les soutiens logistiques et financiers sont réunis pour le lancement de NISSA TV.
Par ailleurs, EAP est fortement concernée par le rôle des femmes dans les médias. Dans ce sens, EAP soutient tout projet en accord avec ses objectifs, initié par ou pour les femmes du bassin méditerranéen. EAP promeut l’entrepreunariat des femmes en leur facilitant l’accès au secteur des médias.
Outre le lancement et la gestion du projet NISSA TV, EAP offre les services suivants :
• Production de courts et longs reportages TV ;
• Conception et réalisation d’émissions de télévision ;
• Production de documentaires et de contenus audiovisuels ;
• Traduction consécutive et simultanée ainsi que doublage et sous-titrage.

Main Projects / Activities

Création de NISSA TV, une télévision dédiée entièrement aux femmes euro- méditerranéennes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lila Lefèvre
Head of the organisation
Lila Lefèvre
Contact (2) Full Name
Elise Lignian

European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH)

National Network

Square de Meeûs 18

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Launched in Brussels on October 2008, the European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality (EARTH) is the first European Network created by experts of responsible tourism. The non-profit association (ASBL) is composed by private organizations based in 7 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Germany, France, and Spain). EARTH has one main goal: transform and unite Europe in “One Europe for Responsible Tourism”. The network brings to life the principles of sustainability, fairness and solidarity in the tourism field, by promoting the exchange of good practices, experience and knowledge among its members. There is a Board of directors composed by 7 persons and the coordinator of the network. EARTH has the member's memberships as only income and tries to participate to European projects as external expert. EARTH organizes meetings and participates regularly to European events. The action of the network is European. EARTH is supporting the activity of its members and is doing a great job of tourism watch at the European, National and International level for its members. Apart from its members, EARTH has partners as European networks (International Organisation of Social tourism, NECSTouR, The European Institute of Cultural routes, AREMDT network...).
Mission and Objectives

Sharing good practices along with tools available to both small and micro-enterprises for a sustainable and competitive tourism.
Supporting the EARTH network as a medium to convey to its Members the core vision of the European Agenda on responsible and competitive tourism.
Approving and implementing a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) system.

Main Projects / Activities

Raising travelers awareness about the principles of responsible tourism and good practices during their travel;
Cooperating with conventional tourism agencies to raise their awareness about the principles of responsible tourism
Cooperating with local authorities, public institutions at European, national and local level, agencies, schools and universities, research centers and other Tourist Operators, in defining tourism development policies based on the principles of sustainable development and responsibility
Coordinating the activities of its Members encouraging the mutual exchange of good practices.
Participating in projects involving international cooperation;
Improving the quality of trips from an ethical viewpoint, through the adoption of good practices inspired by the principles of responsible tourism;
Ensuring collaboration among responsible tourism operators and communities in the South of the world and their Organizations;
Promoting the concept of responsible tourism through publications, information and awareness campaigns, meetings and conferences, participating in the international debate on tourism policies;
Training tourist operators following the principles of responsible tourism, through the organization of courses and seminars in Universities and schools and by encouraging hosting placement periods;
Supporting the activities of tour operators, travel agencies and associations specializing in responsible tourism, notably by participating in events and projects such as trade fairs, scholarships and other public initiatives and by assisting in collaborative relations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could organize and participate to meetings. We could represent the FAL at the European level. We could play a role of center of knowledge of the European level. We could transfer to our contacts and network the information and the news coming from FAL.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EARTH is very enthusiastic about joining FAL because we do believe in the same values and we are willing to amplify our network and our contacts. We are looking for new projects, new collaboration in order to share our experience, our knowledge and to support the principles of responsible tourism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maurizio Davolio
Head of the organisation
Maurizio Davolio
Contact (2) Full Name
Marie Secrétat